Travel to Paris by bus

Bus times


05:15-00:30 from Paris-Opéra.
Buses run every 15-20 minutes daily.

Journey time

60 min

Average journey time to Paris-Opéra.



Single journey ticket between CDG Airport and Paris-Opéra.

Travel information

The Roissybus service connects all terminals directly to the Opéra district in central Paris, close to Metro 3, 7, 8, 9 and RER A stations.

The journey could lasts 75 minutes, depending on the traffic conditions.


You can purchase tickets at the airport bus stops from self-service machines or directly from the driver.

Please note that the standard Metro/Bus ticket t+ is not accepted and may result in a fine.

Where to catch bus

At the airport, follow the signs Bus to reach the nearest stop.

▷ Terminal 1
Arrivals level, Exit 32

Terminal 2
2B-2D : Departures level, Exit 11
2E-2F : Arrivals level, Bus station

▷ Terminal 3
Roissypole Bus station

At the corner of rue Scribe and rue Auber

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